Symbols Chart.

Here is an edited/copied/reworked symbol chart. Don't take my word for it though, the leaves have a mind of their own. This is just to help get you started. I highly suggest journal entering all readings.

ACORN - at the top means success and gain: At the bottom means good health.
AIRCRAFT - journey; if broken means danger of accident; can also mean a rise in position
ANCHOR - at top rest, stability, constancy; at bottom means clouded, inconstancy
APPLE - achievement
AXE - difficulties; if at top overcoming of difficulties
BABY - small worries
BAG - a trap; if open, escape
BALL - variable fortunes
BELL - unexpected news; good if near top
BIRDS - good news
BOAT - visit from a friend, protection
BOOK - if open it's good news; if closed you need to investigate something
BUSH - new friend or opportunities
BUTTERFLY - fickleness
CABBAGE - jealousy; with dots means at work
CANDLE - help from others
CAP - trouble
CAT - deceit, a false friend
CHAIN - engagement, a wedding
CHAIR - a guest
CIGAR - a new friend
CIRCLE - success, completion; with dots means a baby
CLOCK - better health
CLOUDS - trouble; with dots means many problems
COIN - money coming
COMB - an enemy
CROSS - suffering, sacrifice
CUP - reward
DAGGER - danger from self or others; beware
DISH - trouble at home
DOG - good friend; if at bottom friend needs help
DOOR - odd event
DUCK - money coming
EGG - good omen
ELEPHANT - wisdom and strength
ENVELOPE - good news
EYE - caution
FACE a change, may be a setback
FAN - flirtation
FEATHER - lack of concentration
FENCE - limitations, minor setbacks, not permanent
FINGER - emphasizes whatever sigh it points at
FIRE - at top achievement; at bottom danger of haste
FISH - good fortune
FLAG - danger
FLY - domestic annoyance
FORK - false flattery
FORKED LINE - decision
FRUIT - prosperity
GATE - opportunity, future success
GLASS - integrity
GLOW - a challenge
GOAT - be careful of enemies
GRAPES - happiness
GUN - anger
HAMMER - hard work needed
HAND - if open means friendship; if closed means an argument
HARP - love, hamony
HAT - improvement, especially in a new job
HAWK - jealousy
HEART - pleasure, love, trust
HORSE - if galloping means good news; if just the head means a lover
HORSESHOE - good luck
HOURGLASS - need to decide something
HOUSE - security
ICEBERG - danger
INSECT - problems are minor and you will easily overcome
JEWELS - gifts
KANGAROO - harmony at home
KETTLE - any illness is minor
KITE - wishes coming true
KNIFE - broken friendship
LADDER - promotion, a rise in life
LAMP - at the top means a feast; at the side means secrets revealed; at the bottom means postponement
LEAF - new life
LIGHTNING BOLT- Sudden Danger that resolves quickly
LETTER - news
LINES - if straight means progress; if wavy means uncertain path
LION - influential friends
LOCK - obstacles LOOP - avoid impulsive actions
MAN - near handle means a vistor
MASK - excitement; insecurity
MOUNTAIN - great goals but with many difficulties
MOUSE - theft
MUSHROOM - at top means journey or moving to the country; near bottom means rapid growth; if reversed means frustration
NAIL - injustice, unfairness
NECKLACE - complete, admirers; if broken means danger of losing a lover
NEEDLE - recognition, admiration
OAK - health, long life
OCTOPUS - danger
OSTRICH - travel
OWL - gossip, scandal
PALM TREE - success, honor
PARASOL - new lover
PARROT - a journey, but also can mean people talking
PIG - greed
PISTOL - danger
PURSE - at top means profit; at bottom means loss
QUESTION MARK - need for caution
RABBIT - need for bravery
RAKE - watch details
RAVEN - bad news
RING - at top means marriage or the offer of marrige; at bottom means long engagement; if broken means engagement broken off
ROSE - popularity
SAW - interference
SCALE - legal issues; if balanced means just result; if unbalanced means unjust result
SCISSORS - quarrals, possibly separation
SHEEP - good fortune
SHELL - good news
SHELTER - danger of loss or ill health
SHIP - worthwhile journey
SHOE - change for the better
SNAKE - an enemy, but also wisdom
SPIDER - reward for work
SPOON - generosity
STAR - health and happiness, hope
SUN - happiness, success, power
SWORD - arguments
TABLE - social gatherings
TENT - travel
THIMBLE - changes at home
TORTOISE - criticism, usually benefical
TOWER - disappointment
TREE - improvements
TRIANGLE - something unexpected
UMBRELLA - annoyances
URN - wealth and happiness
VASE - a friend needs help
VIOLIN - egotism
VOLCANO - harmful emotions
WAGON - a wedding
WASP - romantic problems
WATERFALL - prosperity
WHEEL - if complete means good fortune; if broken means disappointment
WINGS - messages
WOLF - jealousy
YOKE - domination
ZEBRA - adventure, especially overseas